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What We Do

In order for EducAfrica to realize its vision, and the greater SDG 4 on Quality Education, and the creation of Child Friendly Schools, our 3-pronged approach focuses on:


  1. Student Council: A facilitates the establishment of student councils in partner schools through a Student Leadership Empowerment Program. The aim is to give learners a democratic space to express themselves and equip them with the necessary leadership skills that they need to become change agents in their communities.

    Most schools do not provide “democratic spaces” for learners to express themselves freely. Student leaders are often chosen by the teachers or the school management and imposed on the other learners.

    The program seeks to provide a means for student expression and assistance in school affairs and activities, give opportunities for student experience in leadership and encourage student participation in school activities and promote learner participation in issues that directly affect their lives both in school and in the community.

  2. Scholarships: EA offers scholarships (based on merit) to learners who qualify to secondary school. Learners in resource constrained areas have immense difficulties in meeting educational costs and are always at the risk of not proceeding with education.

    Through the scholarships, EducAfrica enables bright and needy students to obtain quality education with the hope that later they will become the change agents that begin to fight the cycle of poverty.


  1. Teacher Capacity Building: Through collaboration with partners, we offer pedagogy training to equip teachers with the skills needed to provide quality education in the partner schools.

    In most Alternative Provision of Basic Education & Training (APBET) Schools, a large number of teachers are usually untrained. This compromises the quality of education the learners receive.

    Through this program, we aim to improve the quality of curriculum delivery and teaching as provided by teachers in community schools.

  2. Psychosocial First Aid: Through consultants, EA offers psychosocial support to teachers, learners and parents, in order to equip beneficiaries with skills, knowledge and tools to effectively handle social issues, seek help and have a platform to express themselves freely.

    Psychosocial First Aid was born after Covid-19 pandemic hit Kenya in March 2020. Statistics indicate that within the first three months of Covid-19 over 152,000 girls were reported pregnant in Kenya, this is a 40% increase from the monthly reporting (Global Citizen, 2020).

    Research by the World Health Organizations indicates that 1 out of 3 women globally is a victim of abuse and that 27% of women have been abused by people close to them (WHO, 2021).

    Through the program, we aim to set up guidance and counselling centers in the community and the schools.

Management of Schools

  1. Accountability Training: We work with the school administrations of our partners schools to enable them to be better able to account for all the resources and funding that they receive.

    While community schools operate as social enterprises offering education at a low cost, these institutions are often at the verge of closing due to challenges emanating from lack of proper resource management.

  2. WASH (Water, Sanitation and Hygiene): EA carries out WASH activities depending on the needs of our partner schools.

    A building that isn’t hygienic can collect a significant number of bacteria over time. Considering the sheer number of learners, amount of people who go in and out of schools, this can be especially dangerous and can lead to sickness and illness for the learners and everyone involved.

    We support the implementation of health-related government policies in community schools and especially Water Sanitation & Hygiene. Essentially, we are committed to making the school and the learning environment safe for the learners.

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